• Van Dieman's Land

    Farmer Thomas Wiggins

    In Hobart recently, I caught up with my only cousin on my father's side. His mother was my aunt. I spent some time today researching his paternal ancestry. The most unusual discovery was the story of another third great-grandfather, Thomas…

  • Convicts,  Van Dieman's Land

    ‘Captain’ George Ransley

    The Napoleonic Wars of 1803-1815 was a time of hostility between France and England. As well as increasing the size of the army and navy, the British government responded by strengthening existing defences and building new ones along the south…

  • Convicts,  Van Dieman's Land

    William Marshman

    William Marshman (1804-1873) was my 2nd great-grandfather on my father's maternal side. He was from Somerset, England. I imagine he was called Billy. Aged 17, he was arrested and charged with larceny of a church house (40/-) during divine service,…